4 Metrics of Website Redesign Success

These four metrics of a website redesign is the one and only website redesign checklist you will be needing when getting a website redesigned. These will be the most important elements in the process of creating a successful website.

Each year we notice new web design trends. This is the reason why many established websites decide to get website redesign. You need to stay up to date with today’s trending designs and know exactly what you will be needing for a successful website redesign if your website seems to be outdated.

The latest options promise more practical and more effective solutions. However, there are few things that you need to take into consideration before you start with this process. These 4 topics can determine the success of your website redesign.

1. Content

Many people make the same mistake and leave this element for the end. The content precedes design and the design should be adjusted to the content. Experts advise creation of a content audit – rework and fill the gaps in the content in order to make your offer more precise and visible.

2. Design tailored for the visitors

blog web designs

According to some surveys, the vast majority of visitors leave the website after a couple of seconds if they don’t like the design. This means that they won’t even check the content. When doing a website redesign, you need to think about the people you are targeting and their preferences. You need a user-friendly interface, suitable fonts and contact forms.

Customer driven design. Visitors often judge how a website looks before evaluating its content. If they immediately don’t like your design or are confused by it, they will leave, so design plays a huge role in people’s perception of your business and it’s credibility.

3. Responsiveness

responsive website designs

There is no doubt that the number of users who are using their mobile devices to access the internet will be growing even more in the near future. You definitely need responsive design that will allow users to have the same experience regardless of the device they use to visit your website.

4. Social media incorporation

social media marketing service

Latest statistics show that most websites get significant number of visitors through social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google + and/or Pinterest to name a few. In addition, to adding links/buttons to your social media profiles on the website, you will also need to add buttons for sharing each of your blog posts, articles and pages.

Now that you understand what’s needed, let our top South Jersey Web Developers show you exactly how to make the best best thing… your new website!


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