4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Current Website

Have you been putting off getting a new website because of time, maybe money? It’s time to push yourself forward and find a plan. That plan being updating your current, outdated website to benefit you and make you more money!

Here are 4 questions to ask yourself that may make you really realize you need a new website design!

1. How does my website REALLY look?

So, how do you think your website really looks? Get some feedback from your mom, grandma, niece, uncle; whomever. Just be sure they are all of different ages. Your grandma might like the outdated design you have right now, but she doesn’t look or even have a phone to check it out. In all honesty, take the feedback from the younger generations (sorry grams!). They have their phone in one hand, tablet in their other hand and seem to know what looks good nowadays.

(source: giphy)

Random fact: According to a recent study by Adobe, given 15 minutes to consume content, two-thirds of people would rather read something beautifully designed than something plain. And that’s just one piece of the overall UX puzzle. (Source: Digitalmarketinginstitute)

2. Is my website too cluttered?

If you have a website with cluttered content and a bulk amount of pages, who is going to want to stay and search around to find what you do & what you offer? You need to get to the point right then and there on the first landing page, and make sure it’s above the fold. So be sure to make it easy to navigate around. Don’t give your visitor a headache!

(source: giphy)

Random fact: Having a dysfunctional website navigation is like driving around without street signs. If you don’t know where to go, you won’t find what you’re looking for. If visitors have a tough time navigating your website, they won’t want to return and you can actually drive away business.

3. How does my website look on my phone?

Your website must be mobile and tablet friendly, end of story.

(source: jefflenney.com)

Let’s get down to some real numbers. A high % of users will be using their mobile devices to first search for your website to see what it’s all about.  Recent statistics show that more than 50% of searches now come from mobile devices now. If your website isn’t responsive, your potential client will not stick around.

(source: Statcounter)

Random fact: Mobile devices now account for nearly 2 of every 3 minutes spent online. (Source: comScore)

4. Wait, am I even on Google?

Today the search engines own the world. Bringing back our third reason, Google is leaning towards crawling only responsive websites. Your website needs to be indexed on Google by using the right SEO tactics. This will get your company’s name out there, giving you more opportunity to gain new clients/visitors. Get with somebody that knows what SEO is really all about and get that site indexed!

So what did we learn?

  • Get today’s generation to give you feedback on your current design, not grandma.
  • Make sure your website looks just as nice on your phone as it does on your PC.
  • Don’t give your visitors a headache trying to search for the content they want.
  • Get that site indexed!

Give the best first and last impression possible with your up to date, responsive website today!


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